Weird stories online.

Weird stories online. Bizarre Buffet is a podcast of all you can eat weird! Macabre, unusual, and the extraordinary aspects of people and life....but with a great sense of humor.…

Daniel LaPlante: Cat Fish Ghost Killer

Bizarre Buffet is streaming on Apple Podcast's , Spotify, Amazon/Audible, & wherever else you listen to podcast's from! Daniel LaPlante wreaked havoc upon a Massachusetts family in 1986…

Streaming Now!

S2 EP 41 "Danny LaPlante: Cat Fish Ghost Killer" by Bizarre Buffet is streaming now! Find this wildly fascinating story , a long with so many others by subscribing to…

Danny LaPlante: Cat Fish Ghost Killer EP 41 Bizarre Buffet Podcast SHOW NOTES So, this story is absolutely out of control. The things you’ll hear in this episode are entirely…