Danny LaPlante: Cat Fish Ghost Killer

EP 41

Bizarre Buffet Podcast


So, this story is absolutely out of control. The things you’ll hear in this episode are entirely mind boggling so stay with us! The following is a true story.

This story centers around two sisters,  Annie and Jessica Andrews who were living in their childhood home in Pepperill, Massachusetts . The year was 1986 when sadly, Annie and Jessicas mother passes away.

Upon the passing of their mother, the two girls were spending a lot of time on their own, taking care of themselves, simply because their father had to take on more roles as a single parent, not uncommon by any means. Overall it was just an entirely emotional and terrible loss for all parties involved. 

Now at this point Annie ( One of the sisters), is 15 years old. Trying to keep herself going and move past the tragic loss, she’s started chatting with a boy by the name of Danny.  A well needed distraction I’m sure. 

So, the story goes that Danny said he got Annies number from a friend, and that he went to another highschool. As time and the phone calls progressed, like any teen, Annie was starting to fall for Danny!

Eventually after all the back and fourth, the time to meet one another was approaching…and Danny had asked Annie if shed like to get ice-cream with him which she was all about.

Now! Picture it! The moment has come! The bell rings! Annie nearly rips that door off the hinges and then “Oh, shit”!   Now, I’m gonna reference the show CatFish because this is what ends up happening to Annie, turns out Danny was embellishing a whole lot over the phone, but I’m guessing you had to be more open minded if you didn’t have a smart phone.

So, reluctantly , Annie still chooses to entertain the ice cream date, its an awkward situation, I’m not sure what I personally would have done.

Alright, so now were here we’re on this ice-cream date, Annie is already over it because of the obvious aspect of Danny lying about his appearance, but he was also a little “off” I guess? Whatever it was, the combination of things wasn’t working and Annie was like “Okay I gotta go now”

Assuming that, that would be the last encounter with Danny, she puts him out of her mind.

I’m gonna switch gears for a moment, but don’t worry, it’ll all make sense in the end , I promise!

Part 2 

Now, we’re a very bizareeeee podcast, and we loveeeee bizarre things….and now its about to get a little wild from this point forward.

Let’s talk about Ouija Boards for a moment, most kids and adults alike have dabbled in this spooky occult past time, trying to conjure either your great grandma Gladys or Satan, ya know the usual!

As we’ve already learned, Annie and her family have suffered a great loss. So, its not entirely uncommon that the two teens still being heartbroken would try to communicate with their mother…VIA Ouija Board.

Fast forward a bit, after the Seance they did in an attempt to communicate with their mother, things started getting more strange or weird around the house almost immediately.

They started hearing knocking sounds in the walls, through the home in different places…thinking oh wow mom might be trying to tell us something. The believed at this point that their mother was trying to communicate with them. The noises just kept progressing and getting worse at this point, frightening even.  Multiple taps at once , in succession, ertc.

So heres the issue, no one is believing the girls including their father. The dad is pretty much chalking it up to residual stress, wanting to believe, essentially methods of coping. The dad never actually heard any of these taps himself because he was out working a large amount of the time.

Now these noises continued for the girls , but seemingly they were only happening when the dad wasn’t home. Lights would go on and off, things would be moved, typical haunting jazz.

Part 3

Ok, so now its been established that the girls aren’t making any traction with their dad believing their experiences and by all accounts he hasn’t heard any of what they’ve been experiencing. However, all of the banging and clanging continues as they’re home by themselves.  On one occasion they braved going down to the basement because there was a particular amount of ruckus coming from there…….as they explore they discover writing on one of the basement walls that read “ I’M IN YOUR ROOM, COME FIND ME” , in what appears to be blood? We’re not that far a long yet!

Naturally at this point Annie and Jessica call their father, he rushes home, calls the police.

The cop who arrived discovered the writing on the wall was done with ketchup. Nothing is found to be wrong in the house, but at this point the dad definitely feels as though the two sisters are seeking attention or maybe acting out….who knows.

A few weeks after the message on the wall incident, you guessed it! Shit starts happening yet again….that god damn tapping!!!!!! Like what in the fuck, Id be so pissed.

So, Annie and Jessica decide to follow the tapping sound yet again…this time its coming from upstairs as opposed to below in the basement.

As the sisters approach up the stairs they discover another message, this time written on a mirror in that same damn ketchup I’m assuming , that reads “I’M BACK, COME FIND ME!!” , I would lose it!


Alright, so in the process of this new disturbing event, dad gets back home. Im not sure that this dude knew what to think at this point, but clearly theres an issue at this house that is not going away….daddy goes in to investigate just what the fuck is going on NOW.

The real discovery would prove to be…..an actual thriller nightmare of a shit show situation.

All the tvs were on like. max volume, its his first time feeling as though there could be another issue for real.

NOW, I don’t know if you’re all ready for what I’m about to get into next.

As we know the dads in the house investigating, just walking through to see if he can find anything…as he approaches one of the rooms to look around  he’s greeted by a figure in a white wedding gown with its back facing him…the goblin in the wedding dress turns around to reveal this insane makeup, takes off the wig, oh and I might add its holding an axe!

Well, no one was skeptical of the sisters anymore, the dad was literally confronted by a man wearing his dead wifes dress holding a damn hatchet with war paint on his face. 


Lets fast forward. Now the cops are doing a thorough sweep of this house and what they just so happen upon is what nightmares are made out of to say the absolute least. 

This shit head was hiding in a damn crawl space under the stairs. And oh, guess what…remeber that Danny dude who catfished Annie withe ice-cream and all? IT WAS HIM!!!!

He was literally hiding in the walls at night as the family slept or was out, the moved the clothing dryer the family had in the basement to discover his creepy ass hiding hole, like an actual hole in the wall that he was sleeping in. The area looked like he was living in the walls , in their house, for months. 


Danny, good old goblin Danny was then hit with a ton of charges. Armed assault in a dwelling, breaking and entering, malicious injury to a property, as well as armed burglary….he bounces around a bunch of facilities…

So, now, Danny Laplant is behind bars but the family is like, we just gotta move, understandably. 


However, now that the Andrews are done with their awful nightmare…..the saga of Danny Laplant continues. Danny was released to his mother on a $10,000 bond,  I believe he  was awaiting to be tried as an adult  as opposed to being tried as a minor for his crimes against the Andrews family, so it was a weird loophole that would get him free for a little while.

 Now it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that release this shit bird was the worst idea ever. Danny was subsequently  released to his mother and stepfather.  While on bond, Danny targets a family in his neighborhood…one that lives more or less directly behind his home with his mom and stepfather.

Within weeks of Danny being out  on bond, Andrea Gustavson who was pregnant at the time, is murdered..a long with her two young children. Odd coincidence maybe, but not likely.


*Another fine example of “What the fuck!* This kid was hiding in the walls of a nearly strangers house and chased a man with an axe while in said mans dead wife wedding dress, but yeah let him out on bond, seems reasonable to me,

 The cops head over to Dannys house, where he’s supposed to under watch….(story goes that Dannys parents were “Characters” to say the least…but I digress. 

At the new crime scene , The Gustavson house, police noticed a lot of parallels or similarities to the whole Andrews family situation….

Its at that point that the police are like, “Ok, we should go see whats going on with this Danny because we know he’s out of custody right now. Upon arriving to Dannys house which was probably a short walk over from the new crime scene at the Gustavsen house, when they were greeted by Dannys mother, in the process of waiting for Danny to come down to speak to the police, Danny flees the scene. Naturally a manhunt ensues.


The Andrews family is in the process of packing and moving out of state, they haven’t moved quite yet! The police fear that Danny is going to target the Andrews a second time, and now that his crimes have escalated to multiple murder, it was a necessary precaution to notify the Andrews of Dannys escape, and to be aware. 

So, to wrap this all up, the police end up getting various tips, Danny was later apprehended about 8 miles from his home at a lumber yard, where it is said that he was laughing maniacally as they regained this turd.

Danny Laplatt was convicted on first degree murder for each member he murdered of the Gustavsen family, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole…..guess they learned the hard way with that one, unfortunately.
